Getting Started

  1. Complete
  2. Complete
  3. Active
    Setup Apex Trigger with Atarc Instance
  4. Active
    Create Atarc Process Apex Helper
  5. Active
    Add Atarc Process Record to Atarc Process Setting
  6. Active
    Unit Test for Apex Helper
  7. Active
    Next Steps
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Setup Apex Trigger with Atarc Instance

This is to tell the trigger you are using ATARC. Let's take a look at how the triggers where you want to implement ATARC should look:

trigger ATARCAccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
    new AsyncTriggerArc().start();


As you can see, we are just instantiating the apex class AsyncTriggerArc inside the apex trigger.

So on every single trigger you want to implement the ATARC engine you have to do this class instantiation. Very important: It is a must to only have one trigger per sobject.

Only one trigger is enought and highly recommended, but if you have multiple triggers as well make sure they are attached to different events to make sure you can control the order of execution.

Now that we have our ATARC instance within our trigger, let's create an Atarc Process apex class to inject into this trigger.

Next - Create Atarc Process Apex Helper