Getting Started

  1. Active
    Install Atarc
  2. Active
    Add default Atarc Global Setting
  3. Active
    Setup Apex Trigger with Atarc Instance
  4. Active
    Create Atarc Process Apex Helper
  5. Active
    Add Atarc Process Record to Atarc Process Setting
  6. Active
    Unit Test for Apex Helper
  7. Active
    Next Steps
Progress: 0%

Install ATARC

Install using Deploy To Salesforce button

You can install the latest version of ATARC by just clicking the "Deploy to Salesforce" button. It will use a heroku app to deploy the latest code from the latest master branch, It should ask you for permissions before doing the deployment of course.

Deploy to Salesforce

Manually install

You can go to github and download the content of the latest master branch src folder and deploy the content yourself to your target org.

Another alternative is that you may also manually create the custom settings ATARC_Global_Setting__c and ATARC_Process_Setting__mdt custom metadata type with all of their fields (see Settings Reference. Then create the two apex classes within your org and copy paste the content of AsyncTriggerArc class and AsyncTriggerArcTest respectively.

Next - Add default Atarc Global Setting