Getting Started

  1. Complete
  2. Active
    Add default Atarc Global Setting
  3. Active
    Setup Apex Trigger with Atarc Instance
  4. Active
    Create Atarc Process Apex Helper
  5. Active
    Add Atarc Process Record to Atarc Process Setting
  6. Active
    Unit Test for Apex Helper
  7. Active
    Next Steps
Progress: 0%

Add default Atarc Global Setting

The custom setting ATARC Global Settings is a hierarchy type of custom setting, you add a default organization value record and populate the Debug, SkipAll and LoopLimit fields.

LoopLimit in particular, gives you the ability to define how many times triggers will do recursion, which its highly recommended to just set this value to 1 by the way. In the other hand, you can turn off all the processes just by setting the SkipAll field to true, false should enable back the processes. Make sure SkipAll is set to false.

Go to Setup and then Quick Search for "Custom Settings" and Click that option:

Click on "manage" action link for the "Atarc Global Setting" record:

Click on "new" button in the "Default Organization Level" section:

Fill the LoopLimit field with value 1 which is the recommended and then click on "save" button:

Next - Setup Apex Trigger with Atarc Instance